Making the most of the region for business and contributing to the region Startup Branding Workshop -Creating tomorrow for your company and the region by building your brand using the ecosystem

Making the most of the region for business and contributing to the region Startup Branding Workshop -Creating tomorrow for your company and the region by building your brand using the ecosystem

Online store course for overseas customers

Cross-border EC related seminars and events

Making the most of the region for business and contributing to the region Startup Branding Workshop -Creating tomorrow for your company and the region by building your brand using the ecosystem

Method and Location

Nagoya (city)

Holding period

September 29, 2022


JETRO was established by succeeding its predecessor, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), with the aim of contributing to the further development of the Japanese economy and society through trade and investment promotion and research on developing countries.

The following seminars and events are held at our domestic and overseas network of more than 70 overseas offices, our headquarters (Tokyo), our Osaka headquarters, the Institute of Developing Economies, and our domestic offices, totaling about 50 domestic offices.

  • Support for overseas expansion of startups
  • Support for Export of Japanese Agricultural, Forestry, Fishery and Food Products
  • Support for the development of overseas sales channels for small and medium-sized enterprises, etc.
  • Local Development in the Global Era

JETRO Website

Click here for seminar registration and details.

Making the most of the region for business and contributing to the region Startup Branding Workshop -Creating tomorrow for your company and the region by building your brand using the ecosystem

(Organized by Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO))


  1. Webinar】Basics and Successful Know-how of China Cross-border EC for Small and Medium-sized Businesses

  2. Webinar】Basic Knowledge Seminar on Indian Taxation: Direct Taxes (for SMEs)

  3. [Course] August 10, 2022 [Webinar] Overseas Marketing Seminar – For Increasing the Success Rate of Overseas Export Web Meetings

  4. Seminar on July 8, 2022 [Webinar] Utilization of Highly Skilled Foreign Human Resources

  5. Webinar] The Current State of the U.K. Seafood Market and Exports (On-demand)

  6. Webinar] Overseas Business Seminar